playwright check if element exists

You could wrap it in a tryexcept block so you don't have a blocking timeout error. It will re-fetch the element and check it over and over, until the condition is met or until the timeout is reached. For me it's just an implementation detail whether a matching element is hidden or if it doesn't exist in the DOM at all. Use Browserstack with your favourite products. In Cypress, elements refer to the HTML elements of your website that you want to interact with or test. My issue is well described by the title, but my scenario is a little bit different: What if the element I am looking for has never existed in the page yet? If the required checks do not pass within the given timeout, action fails with the TimeoutError. For me it's not clear reading the docs whether I can reliably use: expect(page.locator( . In general, we can expect the opposite to be true by adding a .not to the front of the matchers: By default, failed assertion will terminate test execution. Use case scenarios for check if element exists command. You can use only "$" to get an element or you can use it with eval() as $eval(). Element is considered enabled unless it is a